BIO (Biotechnology Innovation Organization) Design Process Examples
by Christa Bianchi
Invitations were developed to lean toward different characteristics of an event that might appeal to audiences the most. Below are example of emphasizing the networking opportunity of experts from all over the country getting together. Other sample emphasize the Shakespeare Library in DC as an attractive location, and of course, also emphasizing the open bar.
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Branding. What’s it to you?
When I was a kid, the word brand didn’t exist. No one talked about their organization’s brand, and certainly no one talked about their website as a reflection of their brand. Then again, no one HAD a website back then. We’re talking about the late 20th Century, for...
Work like it matters, because it does.
Am I the only one who’s over-the-top impressed with the impeachment witnesses? This past week, I was on a plane during the exact times of the impeachment hearings, so I was able to watch almost every minute of them. The statements, the timelines, the tweets, and the...
Take the long walk…you won’t regret it.
Over a year ago, I adopted a pit bull retriever, Giuseppe. (More on this later, since I’ve learned more about humans since adopting this dog then I ever will as an actual human.) But back to my dog…since he’s a pit bull, and since other dogs are often not super-safe...