What’s Love Got to Do With It?

by Feb 5, 2020

We’re told to never mix business with pleasure. And honestly, there’s some pretty good reasons for that. Keep emotions out of the workplace; just do your job, and collect your pension in 40 years. (Oh wait, pension don’t really exist anymore…well, contribute to your retirement plan, then.)

But many of us wake up after a decade or two (or three) doing the same thing, and we wonder where the love is. It’s not that we don’t like what we do, and we’re certainly good at it. It’s just that the zing, the fire, the LOVE is a little bit gone.

So how do we get it back? Well, it’s more than just one moment, or one big event. It’s a series of little things that can get you back in love with your career. Many of the same ideas from relationship advice can be applied to your job, and they’re easy to implement. Here are a few ideas:

Make a time every week just for the two of you. Is there a bookstore near your office you used to visit during lunch, but now you never do? Start doing it again; it will make you love your job a little more. Are there people who left your company, who you miss, and that’s making you sad? Go visit THEM for lunch, and make THEIR day at the same time! It’s the little things that make a relationship, and it’s the little things that make a job bearable and, dare I say, even enjoyable each day.

Focus on the positive. Okay, you’ve been there for a while, and the routine is a bit old. But when you inject a little gratitude into those daily moments of boredom, suddenly the workplace seems a bit brighter. Take a minute to walk over and say hello to someone you haven’t chatted with in a while. Go for a quick walk during your afternoon break, and enjoy the sunshine. (Go crazy and take someone with you…they may need a dose of Vitamin D as well!) And if it’s rainy, make a cup of tea and read a chapter in your book for a few minutes. The idea is to find a few moments each day to be glad you have a job, and a place to be, and friends to share it with.

Learn something new. It’s well-known that if we don’t adapt, we’ll be lost in the dust. It’s true for relationships, and it’s true for jobs. Is there a class you’ve been wanting to take, and never found the time? Find a way to do it now. Has your boss been asking you for a report that requires you to learn a new skill? Jump in and figure it out. It’s often surprising how new experiences can bring new life to our love – and love to our life!

There’s always time to find more love. Even a small change in your work habits can make a big difference in the way you view your career. “We are what we repeatedly do,” said Aristotle, and he was right. So make time today for more love in your job, and maybe even for your love life too!

To learn more about improving your relationship, find some tips here. For 75 little ways to love your job again, click here. And if you want to fall in love with your branding and marketing, contact us here!

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